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March 15, 2018

Boston Sign

Great sign to show everyone your in Boston

As you walk through the city of Boston looking for landmarks for selfie pictures, one place you should visit is the Boston City Hall Plaza. You???ll see the largest ???Boston??? sign in the city of Boston.

Boston Sign

This sign is sponsored by BerkshireBank and has been on the City Hall Plaza since 2016. (Actually not too difficult to miss the sponsor)

The sign is part of the ???Boston Seasons??? event and showcases seasonal events including an ice skating rink in the early winter and concerts in the summer.

The sign is available all year round. At night the sign is lit up to Red and Green in the Winter Months, and white in the summer months.

Getting There

The best way to see the sign is to take the Green line to Government Center. Head upstairs and look for the big City Hall Building, and you'll see the Boston sign right under it.

The sign is in the middle of the plaza, so it doesn't matter what time of the day you take pictures. I found that noontime is the best chance to have fewer shadows.

Finding Out More

You can find out more about the events going on as part of the Boston Season on their official website. There's also a Twitter account to follow and a Facebook page to like to keep up with events.

March 8, 2018

Boston Spring 2018

List of Six Popular Places Opening Soon

Spring is just around the corner, it???s time to look at when various venues are opening up because of the warm weather.

Here???s an updated calendar on when things are opening in Boston:

Boston Springsm
Click on image for a larger version.

Duck Boats March 21
Boston Green Way March 24
Red Sox Opening Day April 5
Swan Boats April 13
Boston Marathon April 16
City Of Boston???s Outdoor Pools And Family-Friendly Beach June 17

March 1, 2018

Boston Marathon Memorial

Boston Marathon Memorial in Copley Square

The Boston Marathon is oldest and one of the most known marathon. Many runners set goals to one day run the Boston Marathon.

In Copley Square, there is a monument to all those that run the Boston Marathon.

Boston Marathon Memorial

Nine Things I learned about the Boston Marathon Monument

  1. Ground breaking was on November 2, 1995
  2. The monument was revealed in time for the 100th Anniversary of the Boston Marathon. There is an inscription that mentions the 100th Running of the Boston Marathon - April 15, 1996.
  3. John Handcock Mutual Life was a major financial contributor to the monument
  4. The monument was revealed when the finish line was moved from the Prudential building to the Boston Public Library.
  5. 15-foot circular granite medallion was designed by Mark Flannery and sculptured by Robert Shure and Robert Lamb.
  6. 21-foot high arch was originally proposed, but drew strong opposition from Back Bay residences. They felt the arch would block the view of Copley Square.
  7. Around the Medallion is 8 posts with the seal of the communities on the race course. Each post highlights some of the challenges of running the marathon.
  8. The name of all the champion runners, as well as the finish times, are on the outer ring. New names are added each year. Since the Monument has been put up, six circular rows have been added to the winner's circle. There are four new entries each year - Which means that 88 names have been added to the memorial since 1996.
  9. If you look carefully at the medallion, you can see the top part shows the course elevation changes, and the bottom shows all the city and towns that the route takes you through.

2013 Boston Marathon Bombing Memorial

At one of the sites where a bomb exploded, people have left special messages to commemorate those that lost their lives at the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings.

Occasionally the city will remove the memorabilia so the street doesn't get cluttered with flowers and makeshift monuments.

This year marks the 5th Anniversary of the Bombing. Next Month, the City of Boston will be putting two monuments marking the location of the acts of terror on Boylston Street.

Training for the Boston Marathon?

Check out for some great advice in Marathon Training.

The site is packed with expert tips on getting ready to have a great marathon day. The articles are useful even if you're just starting out a coach to 5k program.

Finding the Boston Marathon Memorial

The Boston Marathon Memorial is located in Copley Square near the intersection of Boylston Street and Dartmouth Street. It's located near the John Singleton Copley Statue.

February 15, 2018

Declaration of Independence Tablet

General Information about the Declaration of Independence Tablet

As you walk around the Boston Public Garden's you may encounter a large bronze tablet on granite - its a replicate of the Declaration of Independence.

Boston Independence Tablet

Seven Things that I learned about the Tablet on the Boston Commons

  • Created by John Francis Paramino (Died on October 5, 1956)
  • The tablet design mimics the painting done be John Trumbull's which is hung in the Rotunda of the Capitol building.
  • The Board of Park Commissioners allocated funds for this commemorative tablet.
  • Dedicated on July 4, 1925 in a large ceremony near the site.
  • The tablet was created to celebrate the 250th anniversary of American independence.
  • The tablet was unveiled by Miss Evelyn Cumming, a descendant of one of the signers of the Declaration of Independance - Robert Trat Paine.
  • The tablet was actually placed on the Lafayette Mall path sometime later.

Artist Signature

John Paramino

You can see John Paramino "signature" on the bottom right of the tablet. It also looks like a number appears after his name. Can't really read it well, looks like it says - 1915.

Finding the Tablet

The tablet is located in the Boston Public Commons along Tremont Street. H&R Block is directly across the street.

Check it out what you think the number after John Paramino says. This would make a great scavenger hunt item:

What is the number to the right of the artist who made the Declaration of Independence tablet in Boston?

If you found out, please comment below!

February 8, 2018

Boston in the Winter

Things to Do in Boston in the Winter

There's plenty of reasons for visiting Boston during the summer - Red Sox Baseball, Dinner Cruise on the Harbor, Duck Boat tours and so much more.

Did you know that there's still plenty of things to do around the city in the winter?

It's a quiet time of the year for the City of Boston. Some of the Boston Best Hotels offer incredible discounts. Check out The Westin Copley Place, Boston , Fairmont Copley Plaza , Inn at St. Botolph , Omni Parker House and others. This is your chance to stay at some historical places without paying a premium price.

State House Winter

Ten Things to do in Boston in the Winter Months

  • Boston Beanpot - The first two Monday nights in February are reserved for the famous Beanpot, an annual hockey tournament that featues Boston College, Boston University, Harvard and Northeastern. It's the official battle for the best hockey team in Boston.
  • Northend Restaurants - Avoid the long wait times and enjoy some great Italian food. Try La Summa Cucina Italiana, Bacco Ristorante and Bar, North Square Oyster and Strega Ristorante just to name a few popular restaurants.
  • Broadway Shows - Lover Never Dies, Disney on Ice: Dare to Dream, Anderson Cooper & Andy Cohen are just some of the shows coming to Boston this February.
  • World-Class Museums - Museum of Fine Arts , Museum of Science , The Institute of Contemporary Art and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum are all world-famous museums that are easily accessible via public transportation.
  • Do it Yourself Tours - Take tours of some historical places such as the Boston Athenaeum, The State House, The Gibson House, The Nichols House Museum and Vose Galleries.
  • Phantom Win and Food Phest - Try some great Wine and Food brought to you by the folks at Phantom Gourmet - they know a thing or two about food in the Boston Area.
  • Amazing Photo Opportunities - During a snow storm places around Commonweath Avenue and the Boston Public Garden are great spots to take pictures.
  • Ski Train to Wachusett Mountain - For $11.50 one-way commuters can catch the train to Wachusetts Mountain. It's a chance to get some real New England skiing without having to rent a car for the day.
  • Wrentham Outlet Village - A Boston Common Luxury Coach takes you to Wrentham Village Premium Outlets where everyday discounts on designer and name brands let you save 25%-65%, and sometimes even more. (Cost $45 per person Round Trip - Includes a VIP coupon book)
  • Weston Ski Track - Catch the Green Line to Riverside some of the best Cross Country Skiing in the Boston Area. Don't worry about carrying your skis. For about $18 you can rent some good skis to have a great time. Never Cross County ski before? You can take lessons from their Ski School.

February 1, 2018

Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial

General Information about the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial

There are two memorials to law enforcement in Boston; the Boston Police Memorial and the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial.

The Boston Police Memorial is located at the Boston Police Headquarters (1 Schroeder Plaza, Roxbury Crossing, MA.). The Boston Police Memorial commemorates the founding of the police department in 1834, the professional successor to the Boston Watch which protected Boston since the Colonial Days. An eternal-flame illuminated by a blue light reminds visitors that the police department is on duty at all hours of the day or night.

The Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial is located at the Massachusetts State House. The 400-square-foot memorial to all those that lost their lives protecting the citizens of Massachusetts. Next to the Massachusetts State House, on the east side, is the Mass. Law Enforcement Memorial, which is in the shape of a badge and has names carved around it and a blue light.

Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial

Eight Things I Learned about the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial

  • Ground breaking was on Monday, May 20th, 2002.
  • Officially opened on May 21, 2004, with 282 names. 88 officers names have been added in the past 14 years.
  • Chief Paul Doherty and David B. Balfour Sr. did a lot of work to make the memorial happen.
  • Project was funded by the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation. They raised $1 million for the project, some money came from art grants.
  • Memorial was designed by Michael Kenney, a US Postal Service architect. There was a bit of controversy over the design selection process as the Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation rushed to get a design so they could qualify for $150,000 grant from the Ingersoll Browne Fund.
  • Opening ceremony featured bicyclists who travel from the National Fallen Officer Memorial in Washington DC.
  • New names are added to the third week of September. When new names are added, they place a red rose over the name on the memorial.
  • Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial Day is celebrated on May 27th. It started on May 27, 1985.

Notable Names

  • Ezekiel W. Hodsdon - First Boston Police officer to be killed in the line of duty ( October 18, 1857)
  • Jonathan Houghton - First Boston Watch Police officer to be killed in the line of duty (December 12, 1825)
  • David Estes - Last Boston Watch officer to be killed in the line of duty (April 27, 1848)

Finding the Memorial

The Massachusetts Law Enforcement Memorial is located at the Massachusetts State House grounds. Walk down Bowdoin Street at the corner of Ashburton Pl and Bowdoin St you'll see the entrance to the memorial.

January 25, 2018

House of Blues

Company Holiday Party notes from Bostons House of Blues

This year our company annual Holiday party was at the House of Blues, which is directly across Fenway Park.

Quick Facts about the House of Blues

  • First House of Blues Opened in Harvard Square on November 23, 1992
  • Maximum Capacity was 150 people
  • Closed in September 2003 as the popular chain was looking for a new location to handle larger audiences.
  • The current location opened on February 20, 2009 (First Act: Gipsy Kings).
  • The Maximum capacity of the current Boston's House of Blues is 2,500 people

House Blues

Nine things I learned at the House of Blues

We had a company party last night, we reserved the entire venue. Here are some notes about the event specific to it being hosted at the House of Blues:

  • Nothing like seeing the company name in bright lights on the stage. It was a great backdrop for photo opportunities.
  • Load Music - The music was loud no matter where you were in the main room. The only place that was fairly quiet was the restrooms and the area by the coat check in.
  • Coat Check - In order to check your coat, you have to enter your cell phone number. To pick up your coat you show them the text message - which has the hanger number. ( The actually take a picture of your jacket. )
  • If you need to check a coat, Don???t arrive on time, either arrive early or a few minutes late. The coat checking process takes a few minutes and the line will quickly back up as people arrive.
  • The food was plenty and good! There were lots of appetizers going around. Most people didn???t know that dinner was coming out shortly and some told me they were stuff from the appetizers. I liked the sliders and the ribs.
  • There was only one beer that was available on tap, everything else was in cans. They had bars going on both sides of the stage. There was another bar stand in the back but it wasn???t open.
  • There was a second floor, so if your company has a lot of people it???s an option. Maybe we???ll need it next year? The first floor seems plenty for about 300 people. We weren???t crowded.
  • There were a lot of employees working at the House of Blues. Trash cans were available everywhere and were never full.
  • The bathrooms were nice and clean. I thought it was a bit odd that the bathroom near the coat rack was much larger than the ones in the main hall.

January 18, 2018

John Endicott Resident Plaque

Massachusetts does not have a Governor Mansion

There are three states in the United States that don't offer residence to the sitting Governor: Arizona, Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Once Set the President

When Massachusetts Bay Colony was originally founded, the forefathers thought having a Governor residence was a necessity. It was so important, that they made it the second item mentioned in the Massachusetts Bay Colony Record in 1655 (336 Years ago).

The founders did this because the locals complained that the current Governor, John Endicott, wasn't spending enough time in Boston.

Massachusetts Bay Colony Record

Here is the entry from the Record of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Vol III (May 23, 1655). (This is unedited in the original Old English spelling)

It is ordered by this Court, that who sour shale chosen Gounor from yeare to yeare shall, wth the first oppertunity, make his abode in Boston, or some adjacent town or place within fowre or fire miles of Boston, & shall there contynue his abode dureing the tyme of his government, that so he may be the more serviceable to the country in general, both in respect of straungers & otherwise ; & it is further order, that wither now or next sessions suteable acomodation may be pvided, which may encorage the same for the future, & for present doe desire the Governor to reside at Boston, or neere thereunto, as much as his own necessary occasions will pmitt.

Ask and You Shall Receive

Once Massachusetts Bay Colony adopted the rules, John Endicott moved to Boston where he spent the last year of his life serving the people of Massachusetts Bay Colony. He died a year after moving to Boston.

John Endicott contributed a lot to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He had a very impressive resume:

  • Governor, 1629-30, 1644-45, 1649-50, 1651-54, 1655-65
  • Court of Assistants, 1630-34
  • Conducted expedition against l'equot Indians, 1630
  • Deputy Governor, 1641--14, 1650-51, 1654-55
  • Major-general colonial troops, 1645

Residence Requirement Update: Not Important

When Massachusetts became a State, the need for a residence for the Governor was no longer an issue and was left out of the Constitution of Massachusetts.

Today, those that argue for a Governor's Mansion, have brought up the above rule of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. They argue that it makes sense to have a nice secure location near the Governor office. "It makes just as much sense today than it did 336 years ago."

Plaque Commemorating House Location

In Pemberton Square, just behind the Center 3 Plaza, near Government Center is a plaque to remember where John Endicott house once stood.

John Endicott Plaque

The plaque was done by John Francis Paramino. It was placed in 1930 by the City of Boston.

John Francis Paramino other Artwork include:

  • Declaration of Independence Tablet (1925) - Boston Commons at Tremont Street.
  • Founders Memorial (1930) - Boston Commons at Beacon St and Spruce Street
  • Commodore John Barry (1949) - Boston Commons at the corner of Tremont St and Temple Street.

January 11, 2018

Blazing Paddles

Blazing Paddles fun place for Team Building

If your looking for a fun practical place to take your team for team building - try Blazing Paddles. It's not your ordinary Boston Sports bar.

Blazing Paddles

Lots of Beer on Tap

There are a lot of choices on tap at Blazing Paddles, you don't have to settle for Bud Lite Lime (Unless that is your thing.) Budweiser, Bud Light, Miller Lite, Harpoon, Harpoon UFO, Blue Moon, Stella, Sam Adams Seasonal, and Yeungling are some popular choices.

There's lots of really good food here too! Game On! has a great selection of stationed hors-d'oeuvres.

Great Ping Pong Tables

Ping Pong is a great strategy game. There are six tables around Blazing Paddles. You can create a Ping-Pong Championship bracket and see who is the best Ping-Pong player in the company.

Even if you're not serious about playing the game, it's a fun way to break the ice and have a little fun at a company event. (Nobody likes to sit around and chat about how the last project could have gone better.

Serious Gamers should bring their own paddles. The ones at Blazing Paddles are a bit used.

One more thing...

What makes Blazing Paddles unique is that you have the opportunity to practice hitting baseballs. No, this isn't some little arcade game. This is a real batting cage, real baseball, real fast.

Paddles has an exclusive access to the visitor batting cages of Fenway Park. That's right, you have the opportunity to try to hit the same baseballs as the major league's players do.

The Batting Cages isn't always open, it's closed on game days and other functions. You should call ahead to see if it will be open when you visit.

Finding Blazing Paddles

Blazing Paddles is located on the outside of Fenway Park in the basement of Game On at 82 Lansdowne Street, Boston Massachusetts.

January 4, 2018

Great Molasses Flood

Interesting facts about the Great Molasses flood

The Great Molasses flood occurred in Boston in January 1919. A tank explosion causes a sea of Molasses to cover parts of the North End of Boston.

Boston Molasses
Location of the United States Industrial Alcohol Company is now a Park and Ice Rink.

Eleven things I learned about the Boston Molasses Disaster

  • Molasses was used to manufacture industrial alcohol for the First World War.
  • The Molasses Disaster occurred on the night of January 15, 1919 (406 days after the Halifax Explosion)
  • 2,500,000 gallons of Molasses was spilled around the corner of Commercial Street and Charter Street
  • Twenty One Lives were lost because of the collapse of the Molasses containers. (50 injured)
  • In 1925,the United States Industrial Alcohol Company settled a pending lawsuit and agreed to pay an unspecified amount of damages. (Estimated $500,000 to $1,000,000) That would be equivalent to $6,973,665.58 $13,947,331.16 in 2016 value.
  • Individual claims against death of victims got $7,000 each ($98,667.60 in 2017)
  • The cause of the disaster was the tanks weren't designed to hold more than 2,500,000 gallons. There should have been a "factor of safety" and the containers should have been built to hold more weight.
  • Boston Building Standards and Zoning laws were drastically changed because of the disaster.
  • The United States Industrial Alcohol Company had claimed that it wasn't an accident and was caused by anarchists. Several ships were lost at sea in mysterious ways.
  • The area where the tank was located is now the Steriti Rink. You may hear stories about locals still smelling Molasses on a hot day - it's a false lengend.
  • There is a proposal to build a monument to the victims on the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.

A list of the fatalities can be found on Wikipedia.



There are many interesting things and places around Boston, MA that you should know about. Here are a few that caught my attention. From historical sites such as the USS Constitution Museum, the Freedom Trail, and the iconic Fenway Park, to modern attractions like the New England Aquarium, the Boston Public Market, and the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a fun family trip or a romantic getaway, Boston has it all.

Check out all the blog posts.


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