Real Audio Sounds

Classic Internet Audio in Real Audio format


Most of the sounds in this category come from Northern California radio stations, such as KGO and KSFO. Occasionally I'll put a national syndicated talk show host in this category, such as Laura Ingram and Rush Limbaugh.

Melonie Morgan's SonKSFO had one of their host sons say the Pledge of Allegiance on the air01:32
Micheal SavageHere is KSFO's Micheal Savage in a parody news about NATO Kosovo attacks.02:11
Red SkeltonKSFO played a portion of the famous Red Skelton speech.03:56
Ask the LawyerHere is a strange caller calling a local lawyer show on KGO in San Francisco. He never got an answer to his question.05:28
Rush IntoRush Limbaugh intro the day after the ruling of the Pledge of Allegiance14:56
Savage NationMichael Savage reaction to the Pledge of Allegiance ruling in 2002.04:01
WQRC IntroThis is a short sound byte that WQRC plays at the top of the hour.00:30
Talking to CallersThis is a clip of the Laura Ingraham Show talking about why Bush should be re-elected in 200404:26
Election Eve 2004This is the Laura Ingram Show on Election Eve in 2004.09:51