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Gingerbread House Team Project

In 2005, while I was at a customer site doing some software integration, I observed employees doing a seasonal team building exercise - the Gingerbread Team Project.

The goal of the project is to see who could come up with most creative Gingerbread House with a given set of materials.


I thought the whole process was pretty cool. I took some notes on what I was observed, in case other companies wanted to do it. For many years, I had the notes on this website but it never generated any traffic so I took it off the server. I decided to bring it back for this Christmas season. Maybe this blog post will help generate some awareness.

I didn't take any cool pictures of the winning Gingerbread house because I was there strictly on business. The computers that I was assigned to do the software install just happen to be in the same room as the activity. Besides they were paying me to do the software install and not to record the team building exercise.

Hope this helps someone looking for a creative team building exercise: