Website Update
The blog has been very active in 2016, we are now approaching 90 days of non-stop blogging. With the exception of a couple of day around the New Years, a new blog post has appeared here everyday since November 9th, 2015.
We are not stopping! There's lots of content yet to be posted.
Blog Content Changes
To offer more diversify content, there are going to be some changes to the blogging schedule. Starting March 9th, we will change the Wednesday blogging to Productivity and then starting March 18th, the iPhone 6s Plus will be changed to a yet to be determined topic. (I am thinking about various content topics such as Disney World, Internet History and Business) You will occasionally see iPhone 6s Plus and TextExpander post, just not part of the regular weekly content update.
The change is needed since there's a lot of other content worth sharing. Besides, how many TextExpander tips can one think of every week - oh, by the way, I have 4,492 Snippets in my library.
Here is a recap of the spring Blogging line-up:

A to Z Challenge
This week I signed up for the A to Z blog challenge for the month of April. This means that blog content posted in April will have to be based on a letter of the Alphabet. So April 1st post will have to do with the letter 'A' and so forth.
During this challenge, I will keep the content schedule and just base the topic around the letter of the day.
There are about 600 other bloggers that also signed up for this challenge. It's going to be fun to see what creative content that people come up with.
Save the Date!

April 9th will mark the 18th year that I owned! I am planning some cool stuff on that day. Since it will be in middle of the A to Z challenge, the topic of the post will have to be around the letter 'H.' The topic will probably be centered around 'Homepage.'
If you're not a frequent visitor, be sure to stop by on April 9th to see the 18th-anniversary celebration!