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DayOne Journal

DayOne Journal is a great Blogging tool

The best way to create content for a blog is to use the Day One app.

I started using DayOne as my primary Blog content creation and planning tool since April 29, 2019. I have found that It's been very easy to organize my content and plan things out.

Previously I was using Trello and Evernote to plan content. I found it hard to get an idea on upcoming

Blogging Day One

Five Things I Learned Blogging with DayOne App

  1. Very easy to add content on my iPhone XS Max or Macintosh computer.
  2. Limited formatting capabilities - there's no tables or fancy text features. Which is fine, because I can always touch up the content before posting. DayOne lets me focus on the content first.
  3. Change the Date - I can change the date of any Journal entry. This is huge because now I can prep up a future post whenever I want.
  4. Multiple Journal Views - I can view the Journal entries by a brief summary, Photo Thumbnails, Locations or by Monthly Calendar. I like the Monthly Calendar because I can easily jump to the blog post of the day.
  5. You can have multiple Journals! I created an Idea Journal for when I come up with future blog ideas. I tag the idea based on the blog category. That way in the future if I am looking for a blog idea on a particular topic I can just go here. I can also save related photos and videos - so I don't have to go searching for them.