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Getting Ready for the A-Z Challenge

The A-Z Blogging Challenge is just about to begin. If your not aware of the challenge, here's the scoop: Can you post every day except Sundays during April? And to up the bar, can you blog thematically from A to Z?


A-Z Content Challenge Topic

Last Wednesday was the "Name the Theme" day. It was an opportunity to publicly announce the blog theme during the challenged. I missed the deadline, so here's my theme for April 2016:

There is no theme change.

Yes, the current daily blogging content will still go on. I'll continue to blog about the different topics each day but the twist will be that the daily blog content will be around the letter of the day. It's a bit of an extra challenge on my part to come up with something creative.

Now with Comments!

Part of the requirements of the A-Z Challenge is to have comments enable on participating blogs. Late last week, I finally implement the comment functionality to my blogs. I am officially in compliance with the A-Z challenge rules!

New Audio Clip

For those that don't care about the challenge, here's today's added value:

Here is another sound bite from my audio collection. This weekends audio clip is part of John Edwards speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston: