QA Graphic

Bootstrap 4

Updating the Website to Bootstrap 4

I am in the process of moving this site to use Bootstrap 4. Currently the site is built using Bootstrap 3.

Two major issues that I face with this upgrade:

No more Panels

In Bootstrap 4, panel feature is gone. I have used this just about every place on this site. I'll be replacing all the Panels with Bootstrap Cards.

This also means that the random panel and random well are now legacy. I'll replace them with a random card generator.

Legacy Bootstrap Template

I purchased a Bootstrap Template from Creative Market and this DESIGN won't work under Bootstrap 4. Most likely I'll come up with my own style.

, For now, the site will use the basic Bootstrap look and feel, I'll migrate to different design later in July.

Looking Forward To the Migration

I am looking forward to updating the site look and feel and more excited about all the new features in Bootstrap 4. BBEdit makes it easy to do search and replace using Text Filters.