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Open Letter to BMG

Funny Letter Sent 27 years ago

I am in the process of cleaning out some bins. These have a lot of old computer files from the early 1990s to the mid-2000s.

I found this humor letter that I actually sent to BMG on February 1st, 1995. I believe this was mostly computer-generated using some type of template in a word processer program:

Dear BMG,

I have not been looking forward to this moment, but I think we both felt it was coming. I've enjoyed the time we've been together, but for the last month or so, the magic has been gone. No, don't cry, it's nothing you've done. It's me. When we first met, and you offered all those CDs for such a small price, I thought my dreams had come true. But now... oh I don't know, it just isn't the same. It's true you've offered some great deals, 2 for 1, $4.99 unlimited CDs, but it's just a commitment I can't continue.

Wait. there's more. I've been, uh... purchasing CDs from another place. It's a used CD place. I tried not to, but, they were there, easy to get to, I didn't have to wait, hoping there would be a sale...they were...reasonable priced.

Don't worry. There are others out there who will love what you have to offer. It's just...not what's right for me. I hope I haven't led you on, by sending back the cards asking not to send me the special, and yet giving a false impression that I might buy it next time.

Take care, be strong, I will always remember you.

For those of you in Rio Linda... BMG is a music company.

Note: Busy Week Ahead

Hi everyone! Just wanted to give you all a heads up that I'll be pretty busy over the next few days and won't be able to keep up with long blog posts. I'll still try to pop in every now and then, but for the most part, I'll be focusing on other things. Thanks for understanding!

You can expect to see regular posts on our website, but they will now be around 500-700 words instead of the usual 1000+.

We hope you enjoy this new format and continue to visit our website for the latest news and updates.