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2022 Blog Plan

Blog Plan for the next couple of monts

Welcome to 2022!

Tomorrow marks the 6 years of consecutive blogging. It's hard to believe that I have been blogging nonstop for that long. ( Check out the first post that I started with - UFO Quadcopter Stuck in Tree )

Here is the content lineup through February 2022. I have been working on better content planning for these topics.

2022 Blog Topics

Sunday - Open topic anything goes. You may find Business topics are the most popular topics.

Monday - Media Monday. I'll post more video clips from my personal VHS collection. Expect to see more classic Internet Ads and moments from the 1990s.

Tuesday - QA Fail. Some interesting fail things that I have encountered. Most of the content will make you think - how did that pas Qa?

Wednesday - Apple Motion tips and tricks. Interesting things that I discover in Apple Motion. Every once in a while there will be posts featuring an Apple Motion template.

Thursday - Classic Macintosh Topics. I'll reach into my collection in the basement and recall the good old days of using the Macintosh. Maybe I'll boot up the old Macintosh Plus.

Friday - Macintosh Friday. Interesting tips and tricks on popular hardware and software. I am always looking for ways to get better use of the software that I use every day.

Saturday - Internet Tools. Interesting Internet tools that I find. Many of the feature sites are free

Thoughts For Blogging in 2022

More Creativity - I am looking forward to more creative posts. I plan to use various graphic tools to add more appropriate graphics.

Better Planning - I also plan on the blog content a few days early so that I can put more value in the blog post. In the past, I would come up with the topic on the day the blog post was written.

Video Posts - In a few posts, I'll switch it up and add video instead of graphics. Just looking at doing something different.