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September 11 Memorial

Framingham Living Memorial to the Victims

The 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks is this coming Saturday. This week, I thought it would be interesting to look at the 9/11 memorial in Framingham's Cushing Memorial Park.

Framingham Cushing Park 911

Interesting Facts about the Memorial

The Living Memorial was dedicated on September 11, 2014 - the 13th anniversary of the attacks. The ceremony featured 3,000 American flags to remember the victims lost in New York City, Washington, D.C., and Pennsylvania that day.

Seventeen trees were planted for those that perished in the attacks who had ties to the city.

In front of the gazebo is a stone monument of the names of those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

The town of Framingham planted 3,000 American flags on the 10th anniversary. They will plant 3,000 flags this year on the 20th anniversary. The flags usually stay planted for 24-hours before they get removed.

During the remembrance in 2019, the city planted a Callery Pear 'Survivor Tree' across from the memorial.

There is a small stand to describe the memorial next to the memorial. The Parks and Recreation department is responsible for the care of the memorial and trees.

Framingham Victims

The names of the Framingham Victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks, as they appear on the memorial:

  • Barbara Keating
  • Charlie Murphy
  • Christine Barbuto
  • Darin H. Pontell
  • Herbert W. Homer
  • John J. Wenckus
  • Judith Larocque
  • Laura Lee Morabito
  • Linda George
  • Lisa Fenn Gordenstein
  • Meta Fuller Waller
  • Neilie Hefferman Casey
  • Paige Farley Hackel
  • Robin Kaplan
  • Susan Mackay
  • Tara Shea Creamer
  • Tod Hill