QA Graphic

Sudbury Aqueduct

Sudbury Aqueduct Trail in Framingham

In May 2012, the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority allowed the public access to inactive aqueducts on various sites around Metrowest. One of the sites open was the Sudbury Aqueduct in Framingham.

Sudbury Aquduct

Five Things I learned about the Sudbury Aqueduct

  • This portion of the Aqueduct was created between 1875 and 1878.
  • The purpose of the Sudbury Aqueduct is to move water from the Framingham Reservoir to Farm Pond as part of the route to transfer water from the Quabbin Reservoir to Boston.
  • According to MWRA records, the aqueduct tunnel is brick lined and is 8.5 feet in diameter and 7.6 feet high.
  • The Sudbury Aqueduct was taken out of regular service in 1978. The Aqueduct is still maintained as it needs to be available as an emergency back-up to the regional water supply system.
  • This portion of Aqueduct is only xx feet, from Winter Street to Dudley Road. Local residents use the trail to get to Cushing Memorial Park.

Rules of the Aqueduct

There is a sign at both entrances to the Sudbury Aqueduct which read:

Welcome to the Sudbury Aqueduct walking trail.

This property is passive trail that has been permitted for use from the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority to the Town of Framingham Parks & Recreation Department.

The Town of Framingham and the MWRA would like to thank you for visiting the Sudbury Aqueduct walking trail. We ask that you observe the following while using this trail;

  • Passive activity only (e.g.: walking, jogging, or bicycling). All other users are prohibited.
  • Activity is restricted to 20 ft wide corridor down the center of the aqueduct. The use of all other land is considered trespassing and is prohibited.
  • All users are responsible to access their own abilities and physical limitations prior to entering the property.
  • Trail is open Dawn to Dusk
  • Alcohol is prohibited
  • Motorized Vehicles are prohibited.
  • All dogs must be leashed. Remove all pet waste.
  • Do not liter. This is a carry-in, carry-out facility.
  • Please look for the 'Aqueduct Trails' markers along the trails to find your GPS location.

Getting to the Sudbury Aqueduct

The best place to park your car is at the Cushing Memorial Park near the chapel. You can then safely walk down Dudley Street to the entrance of the Sudbury Aqueduct.

Looking for the 'Aqueduct Trails' markers looks like a fun game to play with kids.