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Sisitsky vs Spicer in November

Framingham Mayor Race

This past Tuesday was the primary for the Mayor of Framingham. There were three candidates running Charlie Sisitsky, Carlos Valadares and incombant Mayor Yvonne Spicer.

Official results can be found on the Framingham Election Page.

Charlie Yvonne

Framingham Turning away from Spicer?

Sisitsky received 4,401 votes, and Spicer received 1938 votes. Only 6,727 registered voters voted. This represents a 16.98% turnout.

This is a big upset for Spicer. In 2017, she got nearly 6,000 votes in the primary and 9,000 in the November election.

Fun Facts about Mayor Yvonne Spicer

First Mayor of the City of Framingham

Previously she was the Vice President for Advocacy and Educational Partnerships at Boston's Museum of Science.

Was a Framingham Town Meeting Member representing precinct 6 and she served on the Ways and Means Committee

Mayor Spicer was instrumental in establishing the 2001 Massachusetts Technology/engineering curriculum framework and the first-ever Kindergarten through 12th-grade assessment for technology and engineering.

Lives in District 4

Fun Facts about Charlie Sisitsky

Current Occupation - Retired from 20-years of being the Director of Public Works in Natick MA.

Charlie served on the Town's Finance Committee and as a Town Meeting member from Precinct Two.

From 1998 ' 2018, Charlie was an elected member of the Framingham Board of Selectmen, where he served multiple terms as Chairman.

Lives in District 3

Election Day

Voters go to the polls on November 2nd.

To find out where to vote, go to the City of Framingham voting page.