QA Graphic

A-Z Challenge - 2020

A Late Start to the A-Z Challenge.

It's been a crazy few weeks in the United States, and I completely forgot about the April A-Z Blogging Challenge. That event didn't get canceled.

Yes, the A-Z Challenge is on! Well as much as I can do. I started late, and I didn't plan as well as I have done in the past. In addition, I didn't sign up for the challenge in the Official Master List. So technically I am not in the challenge.

However, I am still game as I have been for the last four years: Check out the previous A-Z Challenge Posts.


A-Z Challenge Goals

Here are my top 4 goals for the April A-Z Challenge:

  • Focus on more challenging topics. Come up with interesting things that would be fun to find out that I wouldn't have normally researched.
  • Be creative with the Blog Post graphics. Come up with good graphics other people might want to use.
  • Stay focus on the goal even though no one else knows about them. I'll be sure to let the folks at A-Z Challenge know early next year about being part of the challenge.
  • Stick with it, even though I started late, keep the momentum going.

Good News

Even though I had a late start, I notice that many people that signed up have completely bailed out on the challenges. I looked through several sights listed on the Official Master List and notice that many have given up only after a couple of days in.

I am confident that I'll finish the challenge strong.