QA Graphic

A-Z Challenge - 2019

Blogging Challenge is back for 2019

This is the third year in a row that I am participating in the A-Z Blogging Challenge. It's a good challenge to come up with creative content.

This year I didn't signup on the form because there are so many contributors that it's not worth the time and overhead. So I'll be doing this year's challenge in stealth mode.

Check out the past A-Z Challenge posts.

A Z2019 Blog

Blog Plan

Here's the plan for this year's challenge:

  • Sunday - Edit Previous Post, and open content. I'll use the time to touch up some old blog posts and add something interesting.
  • Monday - jQuery from a QA Perspective (New for April)
  • Tueday - GoPro 7 Silver Content
  • Wednesday - Cool features of the iPhone XS Max
  • Thursday - Sights and Sounds of Boston, Massachusetts.
  • Friday - Anything Macintosh
  • Saturday - Cool Internet tool/functionality.

Four Powerful Goals for 2019

  • Plan out the month Post. Done! I have planned out all the content for the month of April.
  • Be more creative with Graphics and Content. Don't just post to post, and put more effort into any images associated with the Blog content.
  • Learn from past years challenge - I'll reach out to other people to help with content ideas and material.
  • Focus more on quality content rather than have a large blog post.