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A-Z Challenge - 2020 - Reflection

Not a great A to Z Challenge year

This year's participation with April's A-Z Blog Challenge wasn't a 100% success. I completely forgot about the challenge until a couple of days into the challenge.

I didn't really plan out the month that well.

I did manage to get most of the posts in April to conform to the rules of the challenge, but had I prepared in advanced I would have gotten better content.

Check out all the A-Z Posts since 2016.

April 2020 A-Z Challenge

Four Things I Would Do Differently

  1. Plan to Win - The COVID-19 certainly distracted from the whole A-Z Challenge and I checked out several blogs that participated in the contest and they didn't post their content on a regular schedule.
  2. Promote More - I had some great content and would have been better to promote it on various social media accounts.
  3. Research More - I had a hard time finding good topics for the M, and T letters.
  4. Do it Not Do - I have to think if it's worth doing the challenge next year. I didn't generate much traffic and there wasn't much feedback on doing the challenge.