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Framingham Tercentenary Marker

Fun Facts about the Tercentenary Marker in Framingham

On Waverly Street, Route 135, in Framingham there is a historical marker near the Framingham/Natick town line. This marker was installed in the 1930s to remind people of the history of Framingham.

Framingham Sign Collage Fall

Eight Interesting Things About the Marker

  • In 1930, 275 markers were installed around the state to mark the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Offically these markers are called "Tercentenary Markers"
  • The Massachusetts Bay Colony Tercentenary Commission was formed in 1928 with Former Attorney General Herbert Parker as the Chairman. Samuel E. Morison, a professor of history at Harvard University, was the commission history advisor.
  • Framingham has designated three signs by the Tercentenary Commission: Thomas Eames, Pike-Haven Homestead and the Framingham Sign.
  • There is supposed to be similar Framingham Sign on Route 126 near the Framingham/Ashland line but that sign is now missing.
  • These markers are carefully made of cast iron, with raised letters on both sides and a black border. The seal of the Commonwealth, in blue and gold, is on top.
  • The markers were put up by the Massachusetts Department of Public Works. The department was allocated $15,000 in the 1930 budget for the signs. There has been no amount allocated for maintaining the signs or replacing them.
  • The markers are located as far north as Amesbury, far west as Deerfield and as far South as Quincy.

Sign Text

This is the text on the sign

In 1660 and 1662 a large part of the present town was granted to Thomas Danforth of Cambridge, Deputy Governor of Massachu-setts, President of the District of Maine and Treasurer of Harvard College. Named after Framingham, Suffolk, in 1675.