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January 27, 2009

Ziglar Seminar

How to attract customer at Low Cost in any Economy

Tonight I joined a webinar called "How to Attract Customer at Low Cost in Any Economy," put on by Tom Ziglar and David Johnson. This is a seminar geared to help businesses get more businesses in any economy. The following are my notes from attending the seminar.

I think its great that they had one of the seminars at night, so a lot of people can watch the seminar at night and not take time watching it at work.

The sold out seminar started shortly after 9pm and was scheduled for 90 minutes. There's a couple thousands people listening into the seminar tonight. If you missed this seminar, there are two seminars tomorrow.

The seminar started out with Tom Ziglar and David Johnson talking about various seminars that Ziglar Inc. are putting on. Mr. Ziglar is in Huntsville tonight giving a seminar tomorrow.

Tom Ziglar gave an update on Zig Ziglar. He out speaking at seminars again, he is now doing it as interview format. He is doing very well and is working on a book that will be coming out shortly.

Great Ziglar business quotes:

  • The economy is mostly between your ears.
  • Experts have predicted 27 of the last 3 recessions.

David Johnson did most of the talking and Tom Ziglar did add some comments in some area. The main topics that were covered were:

Part 1: The Top 5 Mistakes Businesses Make When the Economy Goes South

In Strategic Response, David Johnson did a example with the Archery Analogy. It a great example on how get what you want by a simple analogy. "Aim small, Miss small."

Take Action:

  • List out the benefits of your product(s) and/or service(s)
  • What pattern(s) do you see?
  • Call a customer or client and ask them: "Why buy?"
  • Part 2: Welcome to the 21st Century

    If you read "Who Moved My Cheese?" re-read it again. David used a Case Study about Ice Harvesting in the 1830s to the 1890s to illustrate the value of change.

    Part 3: Ready to Take Action

    At the end of the seminar David told the audience what the number one place businesses should invest their marketing in now to get the most of their money in this economy.

    January 20, 2009

    Venture Capitol funding

    In the mist of all the bad Economic news there's some really good news from Massachusetts. Since January 1st, twenty companies in the Boston area has announced Venture Capitol funding. Over $261,500,000 in funding announced in Boston area for the first 20 days in 2009!

    Congratulations to all the companies that was able to get funding in a very tight credit market!

    January 14, 2009

    2009 Economy

    I like this quote from's Alex McGee:

    "A variety of indicators show that some housing markets are bouncing back.... I think 2009 will surprise many people who have bought into the gloom-and-doom agenda."

    As good as 2008 was too me, I am looking forward to a much better 2009!

    November 24, 2008


    Innovation is what will get this country back on the right track!

    October 10, 2008

    Ford Motor Company

    Times are tough on Wall Street.

    I heard on the radio this morning that Ford Motor Company is worth less than the company that puts the review mirrors in their cars.

    I expect the market to go up today!

    October 9, 2008

    Stock Market

    Given how the market closed today, I don't think that its going to be a quiet night at the White House. I am pretty certain that they will be burning the midnight oil looking for ways to calm the market. If I owned a Pizza shop near the White House, I wouldn't be closing early tonight.

    I believe that the market is responding the way it is because of the lack of leadership in Washington. This snowball started when Congress wasn't able to pass the bill right away.

    The best solution right now is to put some certain into the marketplace, what are the plans over the next 90 days. The market likes some certainty. Give the market what it wants.

    If nothing happens over night, expect another 200 point drop tomorrow..

    There's some good opportunity right now, there's plenty of good stocks to buy and a great time to start a business! Think Positive and Act Now! If not now, when?

    September 29, 2008

    Rules of Congress

    Some rules about Washington that Wall Street needs to know:

    • Never give Congress a deadline
      Unless there's enemy tanks on the Washington Mall, don't expect Congress to rush into anything. They do things there way.
    • Never ever give Congress one option on a bill.
      Every Senator / Representative will want to add something to it. Giving them the do or die option will always results in... die...
    • Never rely on Congress to bail you out.
      That's not the role of Congress, it was until the 16th Amendment (Enactment on February 3, 1913) to the United States Constitution that they had any money control.

    However, a 777 one day drop does call for some action. So expect so breaking news overnight to calm the markets.

    Anyone else ready for Post-Season baseball??

    September 24, 2008

    Cobweb Theory

    Perhaps Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson need to review the famous Cobweb Theory of Economics.

    September 22, 2008

    End of

    iKitchen Bankruptcy

    Looks like its pretty wise to avoid! The above is from a email that I received this morning. I discovered that other people are having problems with iKitchen.

    I wouldn't order from them again, I am waiting for a shipment of 4 Aqua Globes that were on sale in July. I ordered it on July 7th, and half of the order arrived on August 6th! I am still waiting for the other 2 Aqua Globes.

    If you are considering purchasing from them, I would highly recommend avoiding them. Your better off buying from other companies. Also make sure to watch your credit card, they say that you won't be charge until it ships, but that isn't always the case.

    If you are charged and they say that they are back ordered, you should contact your credit card company and request a refund or charge back.

    September 15, 2008

    Tough Day on Wall Street

    It's going to be a tough morning on Wall Street. There's some tough news in the financial sector that may have some investors thinking bear instead of bull this morning. Early indicators have the market going down 300 points.

    The fall of Lehman Brothers and the sale of Merrill Lynch are signs that the fall out of the sub-prime market isn't over yet. There's speculation that there's some more casualties on the horizon.

    The interview this weekend from former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan about how the economy hasn't bottom out of economic downturn won't fair well with the market. Some say that we are in this situation because of the Mess that Greenspan Made.

    I'll post an updated graphic on how the market did later today.

    Today the market closed was the sixth worst close in US history. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.



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