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How to Take Stunning Night Lapses with Your GoPro 9

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Night lapse photography is a great way to capture the beauty of the night sky, the movement of stars, or the changing light of a cityscape. With a GoPro, you can take stunning night lapses that will amaze your friends and family.

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Here are some tips for taking night lapses with your GoPro:

Use the recommended settings. For night lapse photography, the best settings will depend on the GoPro model you are using and the conditions in which you are shooting. However, some general settings that you will want to use include:

  • Resolution: 4K or 2.7K
  • Lens: Wide angle
  • Interval: Auto night lapse interval
  • Shutter: Auto shutter
  • ISO: Min 100, Max 800
  • White balance: Auto
  • Color: Natural

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Additional Pro Tips

Find a dark location. The darker the location, the better your night lapse will look. If you can, find a location that is away from city lights and other sources of artificial light.

Use a tripod. A tripod is essential for night-lapse photography. It will help to keep your GoPro steady and prevent your images from being blurry. A stationary platform is good too. In my example, I used a mailbox post.

Experiment with different settings. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for night lapse photography. The best settings will vary depending on the conditions you are shooting in. So experiment with different settings until you find what works best for you.