Lost iPhone in Taxi

Recently we lost an iPhone in a Taxi in Boston. A few hours after losing the phone, we enabled the lost phone feature and was able to track the phone. It was still in the taxi. A day later we got a call from the driver and an hour later we got the phone back.
Thanks Taxi!
The question for today's post: Should you tip a Taxi for returning a lost iPhone?
I didn't tip the Taxi driver when I got the phone back, but should I have? He did get a nice tip when we reached our original destination. Shouldn't that be enough? Let me know your views in the comments! Uber and Lyft have policies that advise against accepting tips for returning lost items.
We did end up contacting the taxi a few days later and will send him a small reward.
Things Remember when Traveling
- To always double check to make sure you have everything with you when exiting a Taxi. (Phone, keys, wallets)
- Make a note of the taxi name and number. This is easily done by asking for a receipt and make sure the medallion number is on the receipt. Make it a habit.
- Make sure that your phone is always locked and that you have the emergency contact enabled.
- Back up your photos to the cloud every night, so if you don't get the phone back, at least you don't loose all the pictures from your vacation.