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Adam-12 Crossover

Watch the Dragnet Crossover

Adam-12 and Dragnet were two of the most popular police procedurals of the 1960s, and they shared a common creator, Jack Webb. As a result, the two shows occasionally crossed over, with characters from one show appearing in the other. There were three crossovers between Adam-12 and Dragnet:

Adam12 Croosvoer

  • Internal Affairs: DR-20 (1968) - In this episode of Dragnet, Joe Friday and Bill Gannon investigate an accusation of police brutality. The main characters from Adam-12, Officers Pete Malloy and Jim Reed, appear as witnesses.
  • Personnel - The Shooting (1969) - In this episode of Dragnet, Joe Friday investigates a shooting that occurred at the police academy. Sergeant MacDonald from Adam-12 appears as a witness.
  • The Wedsworth-Townsend Act (1971) - In this episode of Adam-12, Officers Malloy and Reed investigate a robbery that was committed by a group of juveniles. Joe Friday appears as a consultant.

Watch the Crossover

Great Episodes

These crossovers were well-received by fans of both shows, and they helped to boost the ratings of both shows. They also helped to establish the shared universe of Jack Webb's police procedurals, which included Adam-12, Dragnet, and Emergency.

In addition to these three crossovers, there were also several other instances where characters from Adam-12 appeared in Dragnet, or vice versa. For example, in the Dragnet episode "The Big Brass Ring," Joe Friday mentions that he once worked with Officer Pete Malloy. And in the Adam-12 episode "The Big Payoff," Officers Malloy and Reed mention that they have met Joe Friday on several occasions.

These references helped to solidify the connection between the two shows, and they made the crossovers even more enjoyable for fans.