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Five Best Pizza Places

Some Places We Liked to Order Pizza

Framingham was a great place to live, but we have recently moved away and are now living in a town next door. We'll miss living in Framingham but we still get to enjoy some of the things that make Framingham great.

One of the best things about Framingham was its location. It's close to Boston, so it's easy to get into the city for work or fun. But it's also located in a quiet suburb, so it's not as noisy or busy as Boston can be. We're looking forward to being able to walk out our door and be at home instead of having to drive everywhere like we did in Framingham.

Another thing we loved about Framingham was all of the different activities and events that were always going on. There were always new restaurants and shops opening up, too - which is something we definitely don't have near us now! But even though we're no longer living there, we'll still visit often because there's just so much going on that you can't find anywhere else.

We're really going to miss all of that, but at least we can still enjoy it from our new home next door! So if you're looking for a great place to live, be sure to check out Framingham - you won't regret it!

Take Out Pizza

Five Best Pizza Places

Over the years we have done takeout at various pizza places in Framingham. Here are five places that we visit on a frequent bases.

Liberty's Famous Pizza This is the best place we have found for pizza. Their sauce is really good and they have a lot of specialty pizza. They offer a gluten-free crust and my daughter says its the best she has gotten anyplace in Framingham.

The Sub-way Pizza - THis is our go-to place to get pizza or subs. They are close and their prices are cheaper than Liberty's Famous Pizza. We tend to go basic with plain cheese and hamburger and onion pizza.

Centre Pizza - We first stopped here when they were across the street from Framingham State. They moved in 2012 to Temple street - a bit further away from our location. The pizza is good and they introduced some Gluten-Free options. This isn't a place we visit frequently - but if we want to "try something different" this is where we go.

Framingham Bakery - If you've ever been to a kid's birthday party in Framingham chances are you had a tray from Framingham Bakery pizza. This square pizza is great to put in the freezer and enjoy it whenever you want. Each tray gives you 18 square slices. They don't have any gluten-free options - still a great treat if you're looking for regular pizza.

La Catina - They may be known for their fine Italian food - and their pizza is no exception. There's nothing like sitting at the bar with a beer and enjoying a pepperoni pizza (Note: You'll get more pepperoni at Liberty's than anyplace else.)