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Flickr Price Changes

Flickr free plan is making some big changes.

Last Week Flickr announced some major changes with the Flickr service. Basically, the FREE plan is going to get limited. Here's the information from Flickr website:

Free accounts will soon be limited to 1,000 photos or videos. Flickr isn't Flickr without the contributions and participation of our free members, and we remain committed to a vibrant free offering.

If you are a free member with more than 1,000 photos or videos, you will have ample time to upgrade to Pro (for 30% off your first year) or download your photos and videos.*

Free members have until January 3, 2019, to upgrade to the Pro Plan. After that date, if your Free account has more than 1,000 photos you will not be able to add anything. On February 5, 2019, Flickr will start removing files.

Slight Problem For My Account

flickr Account

Currently I have 209,701 images in my Flickr account! This is using about 60% of my 1TB allowance.

I haven't decided if it's worth spending $49.99 to save 208,701 files. I did check out some of the other services such as iCloud and Google Drive and Flickr is at the right price point.

It's possible that I might purchase the Flickr Pro Plan just to buy some additional time to back up the files and find a good long-term solution.

My primary usage on Flickr is sharing daily photos that I take of my daughter. I have albums created each month to highlight her going to school every day.

Cloud Pricing

Some of the current cloud pricing.