Trash Day
This is a big spring cleaning weekend. With some coordination with our neighbors, we got a dumpster for the next couple of weeks. We got our 10 yard dumpster from Need One Dumpster Service. It's going to cost us about $100 each, we may have to pay more if we exceed the base weight.

We are going to use this opportunity to clean out some moldy furniture in the basement and some other things around the house.
There are some limits to what we can throw out, based on the prohibited Items list:
- Hazardous
- Toxic
- Biohazard/medical waste
- Asbestos
- Solvents
- Liquids
- Liquid Paints
- Chemicals
Some things that we learned:
They charged $35 for a Mattress, but we learned that the Framingham Recycle center will accept an infant mattress for no charge. So if you looking to dispose of an infant mattress, check your local dump to see you can throw it away for no cost.
They don't accept yard waste, which is too bad since we had some yard brush that we wanted to get rid of. You can get a separate dumpster that would accept yard waste, but we wouldn't have enough to justify getting a separate dumpster.
One of the walls of the 10 Yard Dumpster at Need One Dumpster Service opens, which allows you to walk into the dumpster. This makes loading a lot easier.
So Far, So Good
I would highly recommend teaming up with a neighbor or two and renting out a dumpster for a week. It might cost a bit of money in the short run, but a nice clean house helps everyone. Just make sure to know how much stuff you need to get rid of.
Remember, a lot of things can be donated for a tax write-off.