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Baltimore Riot Unknown Casualty

Remembering a fallen Civil War Solder

In the early days of the United States Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln requested volunteer forces to help put down the impending insurrection. On April 15, 1861, the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment answered that call by sending several groups from various towns around Metro Boston. A total of 64 men reported for duty.

Their task was to go to Washington DC, via Railroad, and protect the National Capital.

On April 19th, 1861, they arrived in Baltimore where they encountered supporters for the Confederacy. The crowds got bigger as people learned of the troop's arrival.

The troops had to switch stations in Baltimore, the crowd prevented the train from reaching the switching station - Camden Station. The troops had to march through the town from President Street Station to Camden Station.

Baltimore Riots

As they were marching through the town the crowd became restless and started throwing bricks and stones at the troops. At one point someone in the crowd fired on the troops. The troops returned fire. A riot then occured.

Private Luther Ladd, from Lowell, was hit in the head by a piece of scrap iron. Someone stole his musket and shot him in the leg. He died on Pratt Street - becoming the first person to die in the Civil War.

Three other members of the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment died that day Addison Whitney, Sumner Needham, and Charles Taylor. A total of 36 soldiers from the Sixth Massachusetts Regiment were injured.

George Stevens

One of those that was injured was George Stevens who was hit in the head by a brick. His troop took him to a Washington hospital but he wasn't able to recover from his injury. He was sent back to his hometown - Framingham.

On August 29, 1861, he died because of the injuries sustained in Baltimore. He is buried in the Church Hill Cemetery in Framingham Massachusetts.

Gravestone of George Stevens

George W Stevens
His gravestone makes mention of the Baltimore Riots.

Text on Gravestone

Sixth regWall Vol
April 19th 1861 Attack in
Balt by a Mob
The first in defence
of the Capitol

Grand Army of the Republic

George Stevens is a honorary member of the Grand Army of the Republic and has a star next to his gravestone.

Baltimore Riot Deaths

Those that died at in Baltimore are remembered at a memorial in front of Lowell City Hall, where three of the soldiers are now buried.

  1. Addison Whitney - Front of Lowell City Hall
  2. Luther Ladd - Lowell City Hall
  3. Sumner Needham - buried at Bellevue Cemetery in Lawrence, Mass
  4. Charles Taylor - Lowell City Hall