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Propane tanks Expiration Date

Did you know that Propane tanks expire?

Federal law requires tank re-certification after 12 years from the original manufacture date. A coded date is stamped into the carrying handle of the tank. The tank expires at the end of the month of the date stamped. Propane dealers are required by law to refuse to re-fill an expired tank.

Check out the date stamp in one of my propane tanks:


The first 2 digits represent the month. In this example 06 is June. The last 2 digits represent the year of manufacture. In this example 2002. This tank expires the end of April 2014. I can no longer refill this tank.

Propane tank Rental Alert

If your using any Propane tank exchange, such as Blue Rino or AmeriGas, make sure to check the date on the propane tank. Don't get stuck with an almost expired tank. You may experience issues when you try to return it or if you want to refill it at a propane dealer.

Recycle Options

Framingham residents can recycle their expired tanks at the Recycle Center for $5. Additionally, you can recycle the containers at Monnick Supply Company for $5.



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