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Propane Tanks

How to Get Rid of Expired Tanks.

If you have a small collection of expired Propane tanks in your yard, it's probably because you don't want to have to pay a fee to dispose of them. As a result, some people have a small collection of tanks behind the shed or next to the grill.

But what can you do with those old propane tanks? You don't want them taking up space in your yard, but you also don't want to pay for disposal. Luckily, there is an easy solution: recycle them!

There are several companies that will recycle your old propane tanks for free. All you need to do is call and schedule a pick-up time. Then, simply leave the tanks at the curb and they will be taken away for recycling. It's that easy!

So if you're looking for an easy way to get rid of those old propane tanks, recycling is the solution for you!

Blue Rhino
You can see someone left an empty tank next to the Blue Rhino cage.

Blue Rhino to the Rescue.

Did you know that you could simply drop off any unused/unneeded tank at a Blue Rhino establishment and they will recycle the tank for you - for free!

I didn't know this until recently and was so happy to find out. I had an old propane tank in my backyard that I no longer needed and was dreading trying to get rid of it. But, Blue Rhino makes it easy! They take the tanks, recycle them, and turn them into new tanks - all for free. So if you have an extra tank or two lying around, be sure to take advantage of this great recycling program from Blue Rhino!

Used the location finder on Blue Rhino website for the nearest drop off point.

Simply place the propane tank next to the cage and walk away - there's no need to go inside the establishment.