Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance
Framingham now charges for Paper Bag in some stores
In Massachusetts, 62 cities and towns have some type of restrictions on the availability of single-use plastic bags. This covers about 80% of the Massachusetts population.
Framingham is one of the cities with plastic bag restrictions. In 2021, they have gone a bit stricter and make consumers pay for bags. This is to encourage consumers to bring their own bags when shopping.

History of the Plastic Bag Ban
July 5, 2021 - Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance was updated - consumers now have to pay for bags on checkout.
January 1, 2018 - No plastic bags allowed at checkout in supermarkets and retail stores
May 12, 2016 - Framingham Town Meeting votes to ban plastic bags 78 to 34
Current Rules on Bags in Retail Stores
Here are the general rules for the bags in retail stores. The City of Framingham put out a PDF for retail establishments to display at the register for consumers. So far, only HobbyLobby printed out the flyer and posted them near the registers.
Stores are no longer allowed to offer any single-use plastic bags in retail or grocery stores.
You can purchase reusable checkout bags or 100% recycled paper checkout bags for at least $.10.
All fees collected for the bags will be retained by the store.
The $.10 fee is taxable and subject to the Massachusetts sales tax.
If a store offers reusable bags, they must have handles, be able to carry at least 25-pounds, and be able to be washed.
The Plastic Bag Reduction Ordinance applies to all retail stores. They apply to pharmacies, convenience, and grocery stores, liquor stores, seasonal and temporary businesses, farmers markets, public markets, jewelry stores, and household goods stores. Oddly enough they do not apply to bazaars, fairs, and festivals. So the weekly farmer's market will charge a fee but the local church fair doesn't.