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Adding Excel Date Shortcut Everywhere

Easily add Excel insert date in any application

If your a regular user of Excel you probably know the shortcut to add the current date to any field: Control ;

So, if your use to it, why not just make it a shortcut in any application.

Simple Shortcut

Here's is a simple way to add Excel 'Today's Date' feature using Keyboard Maestro.

Simple Date

Now when I need to add the date, I simply type in Control ;.

Advanced Technique

What if you need a different date format in different applications? For example, you may want to display today's date differently in Slack than in an Excel table.

There's a simple way to make this happen (This is what makes Keyboard Maestro a really cool application!) Simply put in a condition to check to see what is the current active application:

Advanced Date Maestro

I used PHP to do the formatting here because I wanted to add an English ordinal suffix (1st, 3rd)

I can add multiple applications checks by adding additional conditions to the statement. Which makes it easy to have a single action short cut to display different formats in applications.



These posts showcase some excellent examples of why Keyboard Maestro is a must-have for every Mac OS user. As a powerful automation tool, Keyboard Maestro helps boost productivity, save time, and streamline repetitive tasks. With its vast array of customizable features and functions, it's the perfect choice for Mac OS users seeking to optimize their workflow.


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