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Framingham Mayor Primary Race

Last week Framingham residents went to the polls to vote for the town's first Mayor. Yvonne Spicer was the clear winner with getting more votes than all the other candidates combined:

Framingham2017 Results

More people voted for Yvonne Spicer than for the change for Framingham to be a City. (5,684 people voted to transform the town to be a city.)

Number of Register Voters vs Turn out

Last November there were 39,910 registered voters, in September there were 39,996. Which mean 86 people signed up since the Presidential election. Not a huge change, but not bad for a primary election.

  • 27.52% of the registered voters turned up in the primary. (11,006 voted in the Primary Election)
  • 75% of the registered voters turned up in the November Elections (30,028 voted in the General Election)
  • 43% of the registered voters turned up in the Presidential primary. (17,300 voted in the Primary Election)

The General Election had a lot of national coverage so it was expected to have a higher turnout.