My Lucky Penny
In April, I found a 1935 penny in my pocket full of change. This got me thinking a bit about how long the penny has been in circulation. The World has changed a lot since the penny was minted. In fact, most people that read this website blog weren't even born when the penny was minted.

Some facts I found about this 80 year old penny journey:
- Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of the United States in 1935
- The United States was in the middle of the Great Depression.
- Average Cost of new house $6,510.00
- Average wages per year $1,650.00
- New Car Average Price $610.00
- A loaf of Bread cost 7 cents
- 24% of the population was unemployed.
- Airplanes are no longer permitted to fly over the White House
- Bank of Canada opens
- Black Sunday: The worst sandstorm ravages US midwest (creates the Dust Bowl)
- US Congress accepts FDR's "New Deal"
I don't know how I got this penny, as I just happen to look into my jacket pocket one day and noticed a penny that had the wheat symbol on it. I knew instantly that it had to be a special penny. I know it isn't worth much since it has been in circulation and I checked eBay and found that I could buy a dozen 1935 pennies for about $10.
So where is my lucky penny now? I now carry the penny in my FitBit belt clip. I don't want to accidentally spend or loose the penny. I feel that I am lucky that I took the time to look at the change I had in my pocket and notice
Why don't you check your pocket/coin basket and see what treasures you might find.