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Cleaning Advice from Don Aslett

Well its time to start thinking of cleaning up again. Time to get a jump on spring cleaning.

This weekend I might have some time to clean up some of the clutter the basement. Taking the time to organize my stuff and deciding what I need to keep.

Some advice from Don Aslett, the author of “Lose 200 Lbs this Weekend”

  • Don’t just go through stored things, go through them often, since assessments of their value change.
  • To avoid backsliding, dump things the day you determine you don’t need them.
  • Make room to work and clear a place to put things.
  • Don’t dump things on the floor or pile them to “pick them up later.”
  • Take a few minutes to draw up a plan of attack.
  • Buy the best furniture the first time, and most of your furniture clutter problems will be over.