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Slack Reminders

Simple Reminders to setup in Slack

Slack is trending to be the most popular communication tool for companies. Knowing some basic commands can help make communicating information a lot easier. This can help getting the most out of Slack.

Slack Personal reminders are a practical way for QA to stay on top of communicating messages - such as Code Freeze Reminders, Stand-up or sending out the weekly release notes.

Frequent Future reminders are a good way for you to take a step back - such as a self performance reminder. Don't wait for review time to put together your self review, set up a reminder so that you can record the excellence that you do now. Chances are you may forget them six months from now.

Setting up a Personal Performance Reminder

In your "Direct Message" slack channel, setup the following reminder:

/remind me "Take note on some personal excellence that you did in the past couple of weeks." every other Thursday at 4:00pm
/remind me "Take note on some personal excellence that you did in the past month." on November 1 at 4:00pm
/remind me "Take note on some personal excellence that you did in the past month." on December 3 at 4:00pm
/remind me "Take note on some personal excellence that you did in the past month." on February 1 at 4:00pm
/remind me "Take note on some personal excellence that you did in the past month." on April 1 at 4:00pm

Some Fun Reminders:

/remind me "Today is World Quality Day - 'Quality: A question of trust ' " on November 8 at 9:00am
/remind me "Today is National Qa Engineer Appreciation Day " on April 26 at 9:00am
/remind me "Today is the Day of the Programmer" on September 13 at 9:00am
/remind me "First Instance of Actual Computer Bug Being Found - September 9, 1947" on September 9 at 3:45am
/remind me "Selenium Day - Launched on October 22, 2004 " on October 22 at 9:00am