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Netscape DevCon

Remembering Netscape DevCon from 1977

I was cleaning up the attic this weekend and found the Netscape DEVCON guidebook.

DEVCON 97 was the annual technology conference for Netscape Developers. The conference was held in San Jose California on June 11th to the 13th. The Conference Guide had the quadrant numbers as 37° 22.10' N and 121° 53.44' W which is the San Jose McEnery Convention Center.

The conference highlighted many new technologies to be coming soon to the Netscape platform. You can purchase conference keynotes from VWTapes for $30 each.

Dev Con Netscape

Digital Equipment Partner

One of the major partners to Devcon 1997 was Digital Equipment Corporation. This would be significant because it would be the last technical conference before Digital was sold to Compaq.

This is the description that Digital Equipment put in the program:

DIGITAL's leadership in delivering Internet Business Solutions on both Intel and Alpha platforms, with industry-leading scalability, enables our customers to develop, deploy and grow their Internet applications with the headroom to accommodate future needs. Digital Equipment Corporation will demonstrate innovative Internet technologies that showcase its leadership in delivering high-performance Internet Business Solutions. DIGITAL has a long history of Internet innovation and unparalleled expertise in enterprise systems, networking, and service. Past DIGITAL DevCon demonstrations include our breakthrough Millicent "pay-per-click" electronic micro-commerce system, the award-winning AltaVista Search with Live Topics, IPV6 and JAVA support, and top-performing StrongARM reference platform for the Internet network computers.