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Recent Activity Smart Group

Create a recent activity smart group to find your recent triggered macros

Every once in a while a Macro might accidentally get triggered. Wouldn't it be great to figure out which one got executed - so you can fix the trigger action?

There are several ways to find the most recent triggered action, but the simplistic way is to create a smart group which shows the most recent triggered action.

Recent Activity

Creating a Smart Group

  • With Keyboard Maestro open type in Option Command N
  • In the Group section. you should see a new Smart Group created called "Untitled Smart Group"
  • I suggest renaming it to "Recent Activity"
  • Under the "Matches any of these search strings" put in "use:10m" (Or what ever duration you want) Tip: The shorter the duration, the fewer results will be shown.

For my smart group settings, I set the configuration to be within the last 10-minutes. I feel that gives me plenty of time to get to Keyboard Maestro and fix the issue.

Having a "Recent Activity" smart group is also useful if you need to edit a recently triggered action because it didn't do something right. As you don't need to search for it, you can be sure it will be in the "Recent" smart group.



These posts showcase some excellent examples of why Keyboard Maestro is a must-have for every Mac OS user. As a powerful automation tool, Keyboard Maestro helps boost productivity, save time, and streamline repetitive tasks. With its vast array of customizable features and functions, it's the perfect choice for Mac OS users seeking to optimize their workflow.


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