QA Graphic

Save-As Dialog Boxes

Today's post is about what makes a great Save dialog. This is going to be short because a good graphic 'Save-As' dialog box should be simple.

This is a comparison of the Save-As dialog box three main graphic applications that I use:

Omnigroup's OmniGraffle

OmniGraffle Save Dialog
Great Dialog Box, easy to use and very practical tools.

OmniGraffle gets it right with their version of the save dialog. The Omni Group puts in a nice preview and the option to export different sizes of the graphic. They also have the ability to have a margin around the graphic, which is perfect when the graphic border is a bit too close to the edge.

Nice to Have: A zoom feature in the preview area would be very useful.

Graphic Converter

Graphic Converter 10

The Before/After Preview feature is really good. I also like the ability to change up on the Codec and Subsampling. Deciding what metadata to include can help make the file size a bit smaller.

Nice to Have: Ability to add the margin around the image.

Photoshop Elements 13

Adobe Elements13

Adobe Photoshop gives you a lot of control on how to setup the final output image. You can easily customize the Width/Height to whatever values that you want. The Preview section gives you additional information about how long a file will take to download, however, this seems to be a bit out of date as there are not many people with 56.6k internet connections.

Nice to Have Features: Ability to add a margin around the image. Ability to save different sizes in the same dialog.



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.


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