Printable view of Man pages
The manual for many Unix commands are available via the 'man' functionality.

For example, If I want to find out information about the Date functionality, I simply type in:
man date
Useful information, but this a Macintosh and we can do better. There has to be a better way to view the man page.
View like its 2017
The problem with this way is that you only see a screen size view of the document. To go to the next page, you simply type in the spacebar.
This is 2017, there's no reason to view man pages like this anymore.
Plaintext file View
To get a plain text version of a man page, without backspaces and underscores, try
man calendar | col -b > cal.txtNow you can view this plain text file in your favorite text editor. You can also view this in Chrome simply by drag and drop file the icon to Chrome or Safari.
Open in a different terminal window
Mac OS comes with a built-in Man viewer that might be useful. Simply type this command
open x-man-page://ls
You get a yellow reference guide. This is nice to have so that you can display the info side-by-side your working terminal:
BBEdit view
If BBEdit is your favorite editor, simply send a plain text man page directly to BBEdit
man man | col -b | bbedit
Update your .bashrc
Here's a suggested code snippet to add to your bash profile:
function mman() { man $@ | col -b | bbedit; }
So the next time you need to view a man page type in:
mman perl
Then you can search using BBEdit for the feature you are looking for.