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Plagiarism Checker

Test Your Content for Originality

If you do any online content creation for a living, you don't want to be caught plagiarizing someone's work. That would not look good on a resume.

Use a reliable Plagiarism Checker like the one from PL Text. Simply paste in your text and instantly find out if the text you wrote has been written someplace else.

This is a very useful tool to audit someone's work to see how original the content is.

Website Description

Plagiarism Checker is a plagiarism detector and remover tool. Our best free plagiarism checker analyses text using AI deep check to find duplicate content from your text. Our high-level search algorithm recognizes plagiarized content and provides you with necessary recommendations to guide you on how to avoid plagiarism. We will precisely modify your content as per your specific topic to avoid plagiarism.



I will highlight a fun Internet site every Saturday. The basic premise is to highlight sites that I regularly visit for a variety of reasons. All site recommendations are mine and are unsponsored. By highlighting these websites, I hope to provide value to those who may not know of the sites or who might be interested in visiting the sites. I also want to share the sites that I find valuable in the hopes that others will find them just as beneficial.


Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Python
Thursday 20 Final Cut Pro
Friday 21 Macintosh
Saturday 22 Internet Tools