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Text Status Bar items

General information on the text status bar that you see in BBEdit.

At the bottom of every BBEdit Window is a Status Bar. This bar contains some quick information about the current document.

BBEdit refers this as the Text Status Bar items

BBEdit Text Status Bar Items

These are the items that are available in the Text Status Bar. They are all enabled by default. This is the order that they appear in the bottom of the window, from left to right.

You can remove any item in the Text Status Bar by going under Preferences, then Appearance then unchecking the items under the "Text Status Bar items."

Cursor Position - The current location of the Cursor. It shows the line and character position. When you click on the Cursor Position numbers you can enter in a line number to "jump to." This is useful when navigating a large file, or when you're debugging a code issue on a particular line.

Language - This shows the current selected language. Clicking on the Language allows you to change the language type. BBedit uses this to determine how to map out the colors in the document.

Text Encoding - This is the document encoding. This is used to determine how to handle special characters. Click on the current encoding to change it. For most documents, the Unicode (UTF-8) should be fine.

Line Break Type - This is the line break format used in the current document. Most Macintosh users should stick with the Unix (LF) but if you get a document from Window users you will see it's in Windows (CRLF).

Document Lock State - This tells you if the current document is locked or not. You would lock a document if you don't want any changes being made. In addition, you may encounter lock documents because your user doesn't have write permissions on that file.

Document Save Date - Just the last saved date of the document. The only want to change this is to... well save the document. Sorry Marty McFly, you can't change the past in BBEdit.

Document Statistics - This is where you find out how many characters, Words, and Lines are being used in this particular document. Very useful when opening up a large document and wanting to know the size. Clicking on the numbers opens up a pop-up dialog box where you see the numbers with the title text and some additional information about that document such as Write Permissions and the location. When you select text the Document Statistics will display information about the active selection.

Magnification - This shows the text current magnification level. Click on the number that allows you to change the document magnification level. This is the only place to change the magnification level. In the Preferences, you can change the default magnification from 100% to any amount you want.

Assign Short Cuts

You can assign short cuts to many of the Text Status Bar items. Simply open up Preferences, then Menus & Shortcuts, then select the "Status Bar."

You'll see that Open Language Menu (Control Option L) and Open Text Encoding Menu (Control Option E) already have short cuts assigned to them.

If these are items that you don't think you'll use too much, remove the short cut and assign it to something that you may use more.



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