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Gluten Free Shelf Label

Did Market Basket go too far?

Supermarkets have been great putting gluten-free merchandise next to each other. They usually put a large sign so people know where to find Gluten-Free items.

Some stores even highlight Gluten-free products when they are placed with other products.

However, Market Basket might have gone slightly overboard with this placement:

Temptations Gluten Free2
Do you really need to highlight Gluten Free treats?

It seems that putting a "Gluten-Free" on the UPC shelf label for cat food is a bit too much. When I first saw it in the store, my first thought was - "You have to be kidding me."

I get it that some cats/dogs need to eat gluten-free but do they merit a "gluten-free" label?

What do you think?

Put your thoughts in the comments below. Is Market Basket justified to putting a "Gluten-Free" label on the shelf label?



This series of posts will cover some tips and tricks that I have learned about my twelve-year-old daughter's gluten-free lifestyle in the Boston area. Gluten-free eating can be challenging in any big city, but especially in Boston due to the high number of restaurants and availability of options. I've been learning what I can to make sure my daughter can still enjoy eating out, and I want to share what I've learned so that other families in the same situation can benefit.


Thursday 13 Final Cut Pro
Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
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