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Quick BBEdit Notes Tip

Finally close out all those unused notes

If you use BBEdit Notebook, you may have a lot of open files. Having files open isn't bad as it doesn't up us any memory. However, I use the open file indicator to focus on notes that I am actually using.

To quickly close out of all your notes, just use this simple shortcut:

Control - Command - W

Close Notes Notebook B B Edit

When you apply this simple command, all the notes are closed, even ones that are in Collections that you probably haven't looked at in a while.



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As someone who has worked on Macs since 1989, I will use my experience to share tips and tricks with you on Fridays. As a Mac user since 1989, I have seen the evolution of Mac software and hardware, and I know how Mac computers work. I also know how to troubleshoot and fix Mac problems that can arise.


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