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Upload/Download files using iTerm2

Get more use out of iTerm2 Command line tools

iTerm2 comes with a suite of UNIX tools that makes things a lot easier to navigate files between networks. You need to manually install these tools via the "Install Shell Integration" command in the iTerm2 menu.

Here's a list of all the command line tools in iTerm2:

imgcat filename Displays the image inline.
imgls Shows a directory listing with image thumbnails.
it2api Command-line utility to manipulate iTerm2.
it2attention start|stop|fireworks Gets your attention.
it2check Checks if the terminal is iTerm2.
it2copy [filename] Copies to the pasteboard.
it2dl filename Downloads the specified file, saving it in your Downloads folder.
it2setcolor ... Changes individual color settings or loads a color preset.
it2setkeylabel ... Changes Touch Bar function key labels.
it2ul Uploads a file.
it2universion Sets the current unicode version.


One of the tools that I thought was very cool is the it2dl (iTerm2 Download) tool. With this tool you simply type in it2dl and the file you want to download to your computer.

So when you SSH to a location and find a file that you want to move, simply type in:

it2dl filename


It's easy to upload a file to a remote server using the it2u; utility. Simply go to the remote server that you want the file to appear, and then type in it2ul. An upload dialog box will appear asking which file on your local computer that you wish to send to the remote server


Doing More With the Command Line

Using the it2dl and it2up commands can help move files between remote and local servers. You shouldn't have to switch applications to move files around.



I am always looking for ways to get more out of any application or process that I use on a regular basis. The goal of the content is to get you to be more productive as possible.


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