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Griffin PowerMate

PowerMate is a new USB accessory to control your computer

Griffin PowerMate is a programable USB Multimedia Controller. Its a neat tech toy that makes it easy to adjust the volume no matter what application you are in.

Clamp Hub
Griffin PowerMate has a LED light that can be turned off

Four Things I Have Learned

  1. Released in 2001 as a UBS device, an upgrade wireless version came out in 2014. The entire product line was discontinued in 2018. You can still buy them on eBay for around $25.00
  2. My USB PowerMate still works fine in macOS Catalina (version 10.15.4)
  3. Griffin PowerMate Support website is still available with links to the latest User Guide.
  4. When I add a Keyboard Shortcut it appears to not to save.

Griffin Power Mate

Device Actions Available

  1. Rotate Left
  2. Rotate Right
  3. Press
  4. Long Press
  5. Rotate Left While Pressed
  6. Rotate Right While Pressed

Types of Commands Available

  1. None
  2. Keyboard Shortcut - Speed up actions by adding application specific shortcuts.
  3. Scrolling - Scroll through webpages quicker.
  4. System Event - Available Events: Volume Up, Volume Down, Mute, Play/Pause, Next Track, Previous Track, Power, Eject, Show Desktop, Application Switcher.
  5. AppleScript - Select an AppleScript file.



A Mac veteran since 1989, I'm here to share my experience with tips and tricks every Friday. Witnessing the evolution of Mac software and hardware firsthand, I've gained a deep understanding of how these machines work and can help you troubleshoot any issues that may come up.


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