Tips for Healthy Travel

With summer travel just around the corner, you may have already started planning a trip. While the summer season isn't typically known as an "unhealthy" time of year, nothing's worse than getting sick while on vacation. Whether you're traveling by air or car, here are some tips for staying healthy while you travel:
Get a "Go Ahead" From Your Doctor
If you have a health condition, it's always a good idea to check in with your doctor to make sure it's okay to travel. While travel is safe for many health conditions, you should definitely talk to your doctor if you are pregnant, have had a recent injury, or have been feeling unwell.
Don't Forget Your Medications
Before you hit the road or hop on a plane, make sure you have more than enough of your prescription medications and if possible, bring extra. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist to see if there's an easy way to refill your prescription in case of an emergency.
Worried that you can't take medications or OTC drugs on a plane? Most items are allowed. Make sure that all containers are clearly marked and easy to reach if they need to be checked by security.
If you take a medication that requires refrigeration, make sure that you have adequate accommodations while you travel.
Check Out Your Insurance Plan
No one wants to think about getting hurt or sick while traveling, but it could happen. Take a close look at your health insurance plan and see what's covered and what's not. If you're traveling across the globe, you may want to consider travel insurance. Not sure what you should do? Talk to your insurance agent.
Get Updated on Vaccines
Don't remember when you last had a tetanus shot? Heading to a tropical region? It's always a good idea to stay on top of your immunizations, and some countries require travelers to receive a shot before visiting. Plan ahead because some immunizations require multiple shots and must be done well before you travel.
Stay Caught Up on Sleep
A good night's sleep can be difficult when you travel, but it's important to your health and safety. Experts recommend acclimating to a different time change before you travel. For instance, if you are traveling West, start going to bed 1 to 2 hours later than usual. Avoid renting and driving a car when you are fatigued and take brief naps when you're tired.
Don't Forget to Stretch
Whether you are driving across state lines or sitting on a plane for half a day, it's important to take stretching breaks. Failure to move around can put you at a great risk for getting a potentially deadly blood clot. Walk around or flex your legs and feet.
Eat Well and Stay Hydrated
A vacation can throw off healthy routines. While it's also a great opportunity to try new foods and indulge high-calorie dishes, don't forget to eat healthy, too. Dehydration can sneak up on you and cause a lot of health problems so don't stay hydrated throughout the day, whether you're on the beach, in the desert, or bicycling around a foreign city.