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Disney Port Orleans Riverside Resort

Port Orleans-Riverside

On our next Disney World vacation we are staying at the Disney Port Orleans Riverside Resort.

This is the first time that we are staying at this Disney moderate resort so we are not exactly sure to expect from this resort. We have heard some great things from travel critics and Disney loyalists.

Before heading out on any trip, I do some information gathering. I do this so that we can have the best stay possible. This becomes easier and easier as more and more people blog about their traveling experiences.

Here's some things that I discovered about the resort:

Penny Souvenir Machines

According to we should plan to bring lots of quarters and pennies with us. There are 15 different coins we can get at Disney?s Port Orleans Riverside Resort. Using the Penny machines is a good way to collect unique souvenirs. The designs you get at each hotel is unique to that hotel. Since some locations do change them often, it could be unique for that vacation.

Apparently the Disney?s Port Orleans Riverside Resort is the only place where you can get an Eeyore press penny. So if your an Eeyore fan, or know someone that is, head over to the Fulton?s General Store to get your coin made! The store is open from 8am until 11pm everyday.

There?s a great post on on the ?9 Reasons why you should collect pressed pennies at Walt Disney World.? It makes a great read if your undecided on using the Penny Souvenir machines at Disney World.

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Check in times

Most of the Disney Hotels have standard 3pm check-in times. Port Orleans-Riverside isn't any different. We have found that some case the resort may check you in early. In any case, all the Disney Resort hotels will hold your bags with the Bell Services should your room not be ready when you arrive. Make sure to leave a cell phone number, and they will send you a text message on when the room is ready.

You can always change clothes once you arrive at the hotel, but if your using the Magic Your Way luggage check in, plan for your luggage to arrive a few hours later. This is especially important if you are need and medicine in the suitcase such as an inhaler. You should plan on being without your luggage for a few hours after you arrive at the hotel.

Disney?s Port Orleans Riverside Resort is participates in the Disney Online Check-In Program, which allows you to enter in some information up to 60 days before your arrival

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Distance to the Magic Kingdom

It's going to take 12-15 minutes to get to the Magic Kingdom via the Walt Disney Bus ride. This is good to know in advance if we want to get to the park early, or if we go back to the room during the day and want to return for in time for a dinner reservations. There are signs posted on how often the buses run to/from the parks.

The good thing is that the Magic Bus doesn't connect with another hotel, so you'll express back to your room after a long day. There are four stops at the Disney?s Port Orleans Riverside Resort.

We have found that if you have early breakfast reservations at the park, you might be better taking a taxi to the Ticket and Transportation center. However, the first bus leaves at 6:45, and I am certain that there isn?t any reservation at the Magic Kingdom before 7am.

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Hidden Mickey

Every hotel has some hidden Mickey in the lobby. When your checking in be sure to ask the Cast Member where their favorite hidden Mickey is. Usually they just give you a general clue.

If you like to know before going, check out trivia page or to the Dixie Landing Resort page, which has some old material.

Riverside Mill Food Court

The Riverside Mill Food Court closes at midnight every night. This is important to know if we want to get some water or a snack after a long day in the park.

While it's very convenient to buy a drink at the soda machines on our floor, it's much cheaper in the cafe. Since we are on the Disney Dining plan, it comes with a souvenir mug. This gives us the privilege to to get unlimited refills on our drinks at the Riverside Mill Food Court. It's technically not free since it was included as part of the meal plan. Your simply maximizing the privileges that you already paid for.

The good thing about the cup is that it's very practical to use long after the trip. The cup from our last trip has gotten plenty plenty of uses around my office. I use it to get a large cup of coffee from the Verismo Coffee Maker machine.


Finding Lost Files after System Upgrade


I recently upgraded to El Capitan and notice that all of the dictionary files that I put in /usr/shar/dict were removed. In panic mode, I was scrambling around trying to see if I had copies of the files. I could find a few of the dictionary files but not all of them.

Then I remember that using Spotlight search tool only search for some of the files. A better search, especially Unix files is to use the UNIX find command tool. As the search will be more broad.

Using Terminal application, I searched for one of the files:

find / -name Huck.txt -print

Initially I was disappointed because I just saw a lot of directories that I didn't have access to. Then, while scanning the listing, I saw this item:


Bingo! Apple actually made a backup copy of the files before removing them! Note: they didn't move any of the installed system files in that directory such as /usr/share/dict/words and /usr/share/dict/words2

I immediately changed the directory to:

cd /Library/SystemMigration/History/Migration-A501F82A-4DC8-4EBB-BB72-9AB0C9490E82/QuarantineRoot/usr/share/

Then I open the directory in Finder:

open .

Then I copied the /dict folder to the desktop.

Crisis averted! So this doesn't happen again, I am going to keep the contents of the folder in my Dropbox. That way I know I'll have a copy on any computer that I have and I won't have to worry about losing the file during the next update.



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