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Everyday is Saturday Podcast

It's well-known fact that listening to music is a quick way to change your mood. Did you know that Podcast has the same effect? Listening to the right podcast can help inspire you to focus on doing things.

Everyday is Saturday

If you're looking for great Podcast, Everyday is Saturday is an awesome place to get inspired. I highly recommend it! Sam Crowley has been podcasting off and on since 2009.

Brief Description from iTunes

Sam Crowley delivers million dollar motivation, inspiration and success strategies for the entrepreneur, manager, business owner and sales person. Learn to overcome fear, failure, and adversity by developing a new mindset.

EDIS Group

Fired Up Everyday

What makes Sam Crowley Podcast great is that he relates his struggle to spend time with his family. At the same time, he wants to be a successful motivational speaker.

His podcast are basically a journal of his entrepreneur. He explains how he still manages to stays focus on his goals despite the daily obstacles called life.

Sam can really help you stay in the game even though things may look bleak. As Sam would say, "Stop listening to the negative know it alls and start doing."

Other Famous Sayings

  • It's time to leave Average-ville and head on over to Champion Estates.
  • Saturday is a mindset, not a circumstance.
  • No more Mondays For You...Learn how to make Every Day Saturday!
  • You are a Champion!

Listening to a few minutes of his podcast can help clear your mind and stay focus on your goals.

Listen to the Podcasts

You can listen to his podcast on iTunes or on Podamatic. I usually listen to his podcasts when I am mowing the lawn.

I have been listening to Sam Crowley's Podcast for so long that on my iPod Touch, I have podcasts from 6/22/07!

If you're interested in starting your own podcast, Sam Crowley can help you there. With millions of listeners every month, he is certainly someone that can help launch your podcast in the right direction.




I am always looking for ways to get more out of any application or process that I use on a regular basis. The goal of the content is to get you to be more productive as possible.


Thursday 13 Final Cut Pro
Friday 14 Macintosh
Saturday 15 Internet Tools
Sunday 16 Misc
Monday 17 Media
Tuesday 18 QA
Wednesday 19 Python