GoPro Labs
Add some cool hacks to your GoPro camera
This week GoPro announce some new experimental features. These are unsupported features that GoPro has decided that are stable enough for the public to play with. Some of these came from hackathons - probably ideas inspired by long time users.
These new features are called GoPro Labs and are available via the GoPro Support Hub.
Installing the update is a bit tricky. Make sure to read the installation instructions.

New Features
- Camera Motion Triggers: Leverage the camera's accelerometer and/or gyroscope to start/stop capture only when the camera is in motion, preserving storage and battery.
- USB Power Triggers: Your GoPro can start/stop capture when USB power is detected, enabling USB-triggered functions such as serving as a dash cam.
- Motion Detection Enhancements: Motion detection is now supported in all video modes, including 360- motion detection on MAX, with improvements to the sensitivity range.
- Simplified Live Streaming QR Code: Program GoPro to start live streaming within seconds of being connected to a designated Wi-Fi network.
- Single-Setting/One-Button Mode: Enable a one-button mode where the operator can only start/stop capture, making it impossible to accidentally change camera mode. This is designed to capture critical events.
- New Exposure Modes: Set timed exposure lock and minimum shutter speed settings.
- New QR Code Controls: QR code controls supported in 5K and HindSight capture for HERO9 Black.
Things I Learned
As I mentioned the instructions to install is tricky. The instructions aren't clear that you need to move the uncompressed folder to the root of the SD card.
When you start up the GoPro you get the notification. I think this slows down the usability of the camera.
The startup text can be replaced with a Personalize QR Code. You can have "Owner's Information" which might be a nice saver if you ever lose the GoPro.
The QR Codes is a very cool feature. You can set up QR codes to quickly program settings.
I like the USB Power Triggers. This is great now that I use the GoPro as a dashcam. It would have been much better if this was supported in older GoPros.