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HTML Paragraphs in BBEdit

Fix an issue when applying the HTML paragraph tag

In BBEdit, you can select a line and then apply the HTML Paragraph tag. It's a simple common task that HTML developers will use over and over.

The problem is, the paragraph tag gets applied to the line before and after the selected text:

Unstanch Belgrade

I would rather have the tag be applied on the same line:

<p>Unstanch Belgrade</p>

Hidden Config Settings

This can be done by changing a little known expert settings to get the above results. Copy/Paste the following in terminal:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit HTMLParagraphMarkup_ParagraphsOnSeparateLines -bool NO-

If you find you like it how it works by default:

defaults write com.barebones.bbedit HTMLParagraphMarkup_ParagraphsOnSeparateLines -bool YES-

Now when you apply the paragraph command to any selected text it won't add the paragraph tags on the separate lines.



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