QA Graphic

Table Row Colors in EverNote

Evernote allows you add tables to your notes, but did you know that you can color rows in your tables? It's a bit tricky - Evernote doesn't provide any guidance on how to do this.

Evernote Table

Simple instructions on how to color a table row

  • Open a Note that has a Table
  • Select a row in the table so that the last cell is light blue
  • Right Click on the table and Select Table then Table Properties
  • Click on the "Cell Color Background"
  • Change to Whatever color you want.
  • Click Ok
  • Click Outside of the table, and notice that the entire row has the same color.

It's seems logical once you do change the table a couple of times. Hopefully this helps some users have better looking tables in their Evernote Notebook.



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