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Gulf War Logo

Please add your entry to our Gulfwar Warbook! What do you think of the conflict with Iraq?
Is President Obama taking the correct course of action?
What about the actions of George H. W. Bush in 1991?

Guestbook Entry

 Name:  [Optional]

Comments for the Guestbook:

If you have a large amount of content that you want to add, use the Website Feeback to voice your opinion.

Military Operations:

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003-04)
U.S. invasion/occupation of Iraq

Operation Southern Watch (1990s)
Southern No-Fly Zone over Iraq

Operation Northern Watch (1990s)
Northern No-Fly Zone over Iraq

Operation Provide Comfort (1991)
Relief effort in northern Iraq.

Operation Desert Storm (1991)
Gulf War

Operation Desert Shield (1990-91)
American buildup prior to January 1991 Gulf War

We're happy to offer a home for your discussions, but please be respectful and follow the house rules:

Stay on topic - Life's too short to waste.

Be nice - If you want your comment gems to survive, you won't defame, threaten or be abusive to other readers or the subjects of our stories. Victims have feelings too. Out of concern for them, we may not allow comments on certain stories.

Keep it clean - This is a public forum, open to civil adults and children who do not appreciate your vulgarities or obscenities.

Be responsible - Comments are the sole responsibility of those who post them. You'll have no one else to blame if you don't preview your comment carefully and think it through before clicking "submit."

You are deputized - Police these comment threads. If you see a comment that violates the rules, click "Suggest removal" to flag that comment for further review by our staff.

There are consequences - Rules violators may be banned from commenting.


Ask questions, share your knowledge, and help us get the story right - If you are aware of a factual error in a story, want to share facts or background information you know about the story, or think there are issues we should follow up on, e-mail our local news desk.

end_here; $rightcontent = << Military Operations:

Operation Iraqi Freedom (2000-04)
U.S. invasion/occupation of Iraq

Operation Southern Watch (1990s)
Southern No-Fly Zone over Iraq

Operation Northern Watch (1990s)
Northern No-Fly Zone over Iraq

Operation Provide Comfort (1991)
Relief effort in northern Iraq.

Operation Desert Storm (1991)
Gulf War

Operation Desert Shield (1990-91)
American buildup prior to January 1991 Gulf War

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