Interviewer Questions - Company

Questions that the company may ask in an Interview:

  • What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role?
  • Why did you decide to seek a position in this field?
  • Tell me about a time when you failed to meet a deadline. What things did you fail to do? What were the repercussions? What did you learn?
  • Describe an instance when you had to think on your feet to extricate yourself from a difficult situation.
  • Would you say that you can easily deal with high-pressure situations?
  • What have you accomplished that shows your initiative and willingness to work?
  • Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?
  • Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.
  • We can sometimes identify a small problem and fix it before it becomes a major problem. Give an example(s) of how you have done this.
  • Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor or instructor? How did you resolve the conflict?

Interviewee Questions - Canidate

Questions that you should considering asking your future employer:

  • How would you describe your organization's personality and management style?
  • I read in your literature that your training program is comprised of three six-month rotations. Does the employee have any input into where he will go at the end of each rotation? How do you evaluate the employee's performance during the training period?
  • Please describe the duties of the job for me.
  • How would you characterize successful employees in this department? What are their common qualities?
  • Describe the work environment.
  • Which internal customers would I be interacting with most frequently? What are their typical expectations?
  • What is an average week in this job really like?
  • What have been the department's successes in the last couple of years?
  • What attracted you to working for this organization?
  • What makes your firm, hospital, school system, ad agency, etc., different?